HR Compliance Solutions
Not exciting we know,
but essential!

We can work with you to quickly identify any gaps in your key documentation, policies and procedures and then write them for you tailored to how your company operates, or we can review and update existing documents, policies and procedures to ensure you keep the right side of the law.
Area we have and can support include:
Contracts of employment
Employee handbooks, policies and procedures
Exit interviews, reporting and analysis
Performance management and appraisals
Recruitment and selection
Onboarding and induction
Probation management
HR administration, data protection and GDPR
HR software and information systems
To ensure your business keeps the right side of the law, we will work with you to either devise or update policies and procedures, handbooks or formal documentation as appropriate to your business.
New to HR? Are you a small business or charity/not for profit owner or Board member whose business is growing and there is a need to set up HR but you are not sure how or where to start? Don't worry, we've got an HR solution for you, just contact us to discuss.
Whatever your HR compliance requirement, or HR advice needed, we have an experienced professional HR Consultant who can guide you through a solution or simply deliver the solution for you.